Wiggins Memorial Library Handbook 2024-2025

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to facilitate access to information resources that support learning, teaching, and research;
to provide training for effective and ethical use of these resources; and
to support the Campbell community through a state-of-the-art academic environment.


This handbook describes the facilities, policies, and procedures for the Campbell library system and Wiggins Memorial Library (the main library). Other facilities such as the Law School Library and the Medical School Library may have somewhat different services, regulations, hours of operation, and library fines. Please see the section titled Other Campbell University Libraries for details.

General Information


The hours listed below apply to Wiggins Memorial Library during the fall and spring semesters. Changes during exams, holidays, vacation periods, and summer sessions are posted at the library entrance and are on the library website at library.campbell.edu/hours.

Monday through Thursday7:30 a.m. - 12:00 midnight
Friday7:30 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.
Saturday11:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Sunday2:00 p.m. - 12:00 midnight

A second-floor study area is available after library hours during the fall and spring semesters. A valid Campbell ID card is required for access. Students can swipe their Campbell ID card to open the door on the left in the library vestibule to gain access to the area. Only the second floor is accessible for overnight study; no other area of the library, or library services, are available overnight. The overnight study area is monitored by a security guard.

Lost and Found

Items found unattended in the library will be taken to Lost and Found located at the Library Services Desk on the 1st floor.


There are five photocopiers in the library. Two are located in the Learning Commons, one is in the Periodicals Reading Room, one is outside of the second-floor conference room, and one is outside of the third floor computer lab. CreekBucks should be used for printing and photocopying. If you have any problems with the copiers, please ask for assistance at the Library Services Desk.

Black & White$0.05 per side
Color$0.15 per side
Microform$0.10 per side

To print wirelessly using your laptop, log in with your Campbell ID and connect to Campbell University's network. Follow the instructions on this page at library.campbell.edu/services/print-drivers to download the library print drivers. As with desktop printing, there is a fee of $0.05 per each side of a grayscale page or $0.15 per each side of a color page printed from laptops.

A microform reader is located in the Microforms Room in Wiggins Basement (also see Microforms Collection). Please see a librarian for assistance.


The library provides computers with internet access, MS Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and Access), SPSS software, and printers. If you have any problems, please ask a student assistant or library staff for help.

Technology Items Available for Checkout

Laptop computers are available at the Library Services Desk for checkout by Campbell students, faculty, or staff with a valid Campbell ID. Laptops may be checked out for 24 hours with one renewal allowed. In addition to laptop computers, a number of other technology items are available for checkout from the Library Services Desk or the Curriculum Materials/Media Center. These items include:

  • Chromebooks
  • Calculators
  • Headphones
  • Computer mice
  • GPS units
  • Digital cameras, flip video cameras, etc.

To find the location of these items, their loan periods, and availability, visit guides.lib.campbell.edu/tech.


OneSearch, the default search option on the library home page at library.campbell.edu, is a discovery tool that allows faculty and students to search the library's many resources from a single search box. OneSearch indexes the library's catalog of books and eBooks, the vast majority of full-text journal articles and other e-Resources, and the library's media collection. As users search in OneSearch, they can narrow results by using facets such as subject, date, material type, and peer-review status. For many research needs, OneSearch is the most efficient way to locate large numbers of books and articles. Please note that most of the library's abstract-only products (PubMed, ATLA, etc.) are not indexed in OneSearch, but can be accessed from the Databases tab on the library home page. Library instruction sessions in CUFS 100, ENGL 101, and many other courses focus on the use of OneSearch as a retrieval tool.

Each student, staff member, and faculty member has a library account. To access your library account, click on the “My Library Card” quick link at library.campbell.edu and sign in with your Blackboard username and password. By logging in to your library account, you are able to see what items that you currently have checked out, renew your materials, put holds on checked-out items, request items for pick-up at Library Services, and save search results.

Student Conduct Regulations

Wiggins Library is primarily a place for study and research. To preserve an environment of optimum conditions for study, library personnel and patrons may approach others, when needed, to request quiet and respectful conduct. Study zones have been established throughout the library to indicate spaces ideal for silent, quiet, or group study.

Use of any tobacco products is prohibited anywhere in the library.

Food and drinks are permitted in the library only under limited conditions in order to minimize the risk of damage to materials, furnishings, and equipment. Food and beverages in covered containers may be taken to study areas, but neither food nor drinks may be placed near library computers.

Study Rooms

Eleven study rooms are available on the second floor and in the basement of Wiggins Hall. These rooms are intended for course-related study.

Certain designated study rooms may be reserved in advance by Campbell University students. Study room users without reservations must vacate the room when requested by individuals with proof of valid reservation.

Each study room is equipped with an HD monitor or projection capability as well as a dry erase board. Cables, markers, and erasers are available at the Library Services Desk.

Personal belongings and library materials should not be left unattended in the study rooms or elsewhere in the library. The library is not responsible for any lost or stolen items.

You can request the reservation of a study room at library.campbell.edu/policies/group-study-room.

Service Animals

A Service Animal, defined by the ADA as a dog trained to complete a necessary task for a person who has a disability, is allowed to go anywhere on campus their handler is allowed to go. Students who do not live on campus do not have to register to use a Service Animal on campus. Emotional Support Animals, once approved, are covered under the Fair Housing Act and are permitted to be in University housing only, not in other campus facilities. For Campbell’s full Service and Emotional Support Animals policy: https://www.campbell.edu/students/disability-services/new-students-families/service-emotional-support-animals/

Posting Fliers/Collecting Donations

The library has two bulletin boards on which materials pertaining to Campbell academics and student life may be posted: one in the 1st floor Periodicals Reading Room, the other between the two 2nd floor restrooms. Posted fliers must be stamped by the Office of Student Life (located in Room 275 of the Student Union) prior to posting. Fliers without the official stamp and outdated fliers will be removed by library staff, as will any materials posted elsewhere in the library.

The library's Head of Access Services must approve placement of any donation boxes/charitable campaigns prior to placement in the library, and the requesting student organization will be responsible for collecting donated materials and removing the boxes at the agreed-upon time. Likewise, the Head of Access Services must approve any requests for tabling events within the library.

Circulation Services

The Library Services Desk is located to the left as you enter the library. A staff member is available to offer directions regarding the location of library resources and to assist with checking in and checking out materials. Librarians are available to offer research assistance.

The general public may use the library. However, only Campbell University students, faculty, and staff; Friends of the Library; or holders of a current Guest membership may check out materials. Campbell Friends of the Library and Guest members may request print library materials through the “Request Options from Wiggins Library” form accessed through OneSearch on the library homepage (library.campbell.edu). A Campbell ID card or Friends or Guest membership card is needed to check out books or other materials.

Campbell University students, faculty, and Friends of the Library may borrow an unlimited number of books; however, some restrictions may be placed on students who consistently keep books overdue. Guest members may borrow up to three books at one time.

Loan Periods

Books, Manipulatives21 days
Media (CMMC Collection)7 days
Oasis DVDs, Video Games7 days
Cameras7 days
Laptop Computers and Accessories24 hours

For detailed information on the library's Circulation Policy, please visit library.campbell.edu/policies/circulation.


Students and other patrons may place a hold on items at the Library Services Desk or by logging in through the OneSearch item record at library.campbell.edu. To make a request, use the “Request Options” link in OneSearch. If a book is already checked out when the request is made, the item is not recalled but will be held for the requester when it is returned to the library; the requester will receive an email when it is available. Items will be held at the Library Services Desk for the requester for five days; if not picked up after five days they will be returned to the stacks. Patrons also may request that items be mailed to them. Book chapters/ pages can be scanned and emailed to patrons, in adherence to the copyright law fair use doctrine (https://www.copyright.gov/fair-use/).

Library Materials

Please request assistance when you need help in locating any of the following materials.


Most books available for checkout are shelved on floors 2 through 4 of Kivett and in Wiggins Basement; there also is a culinary collection on the main floor of Wiggins, a juvenile collection in the 3rd floor Curriculum Materials/Media Center, and a pedagogical collection in the 3rd-floor Teaching Resource Center. Recent bestsellers and popular titles are available in our main floor Oasis collection.

For in-library use only, there is a Reference Collection on the first floor of Wiggins. This collection includes resources such as encyclopedias, dictionaries, handbooks, almanacs, directories, bibliographies, and indexes to periodicals and newspapers. A Theological Reference Collection is shelved on the 3rd floor of Kivett. There is also an education-related reference section in the Wiggins 3rd floor CMMC.

Computer terminals are located throughout the library for searching library materials in OneSearch. Call number ranges and their respective shelving locations are shown in the table below:

Call Number RangeLocation
A - BSKivett 2nd Floor
BT - DEKivett 3rd Floor
DF - GVKivett 4th Floor
H - ZWiggins Basement

Books used in the library without being checked out should be returned on one of the many reshelving carts located throughout the library; do not reshelve books or journals on the shelves. If you wish to use a book outside of the library, bring it to the Library Services Desk and check it out. Reference books and periodicals cannot be taken out of the library.

University Archives and Rare Books are located in the Carrie Rich Building. If you need access to archival material, you can request that library staff retrieve the needed archived material, which you then will be able to view only in the library.


More than 1,000,000 electronic books, audio books, and streaming media (not including the 190,000+ CDs in the Naxos Music Library) are indexed in the library system and can be accessed through OneSearch. These books may be searched by keyword, author, or title.

Periodicals, Newspapers and Indexes

Print periodicals and newspapers are shelved alphabetically by title in the Periodicals Reading Room on the first floor of Wiggins Hall; bound copies and back files are found on the first floor of Kivett. The “Journals” tab on the library homepage (library.campbell.edu) includes all current subscriptions to journals, magazines, newspapers, annual issues, indexes, back files of former subscriptions, and full-text journals — totaling more than 150,000 titles.

Online Databases and Off-campus Access

The library provides access to more than 200 online databases. Access to these databases is restricted to Campbell University students, faculty, and staff unless otherwise specified. Availability is subject to change. For off-campus access, the user will be asked for her/his Blackboard username and password.

For login assistance, please visit helpdesk.campbell.edu. All other inquiries may be directed to the library at library.campbell.edu/ask.

Government Documents

Wiggins Memorial Library of Campbell University is a selective depository for United States Government Documents. The Government Documents Collection is located in the basement of Wiggins Hall.

Microforms Collection

The library maintains a collection of resources in microform consisting primarily of microfilm. These materials include back issues of academic journals and newspapers not found otherwise in digital form They are in cabinets in the Microforms area located in Wiggins Basement. Journals are arranged alphabetically by title. Newspapers maintained on microfilm include the New York Times, News and Observer, and the (Dunn) Daily Record.


During normal operations, Reserve books and other materials are placed on a limited loan basis at the request of an instructor. These materials may be checked out for two hours, one day, three days, or seven days, depending on the loan period requested by the instructor, and are not eligible to be renewed. Up to three Reserve items may be checked out at one time. Two-hour reserve items may be checked out overnight during the last hour before the library closes. These items are due within the first hour of operation the following day.

In addition to print reserves, instructors may make electronic reserves available to students via the library website. These are password protected, as the instructor of the class provides students with a dedicated username and password.

Reserve videos are to be viewed in the library using headphones with a laptop or public computer.

Fine Rates for Overdue Resources

Books$0.25 per day
Media Items$1.00 per day
Laptop Computers/CMMC Tech Items$5.00 per day
Reserve Items$0.50 per hour

Overdue notices for outstanding resources are sent via electronic mail the first weekday after the due date. Fines will accumulate each day until the materials are returned or reported lost at the Library Services Desk. If an item is reported lost or is returned seriously damaged, the borrower is responsible for the payment of any accumulated fine, the cost of the item, and a $10.00 processing fee. Fines may be paid by cash or check at the Library Services Desk at the time an item is returned. Any fines not paid at that time may be transferred to the individual’s account at the University Bursar's Office and may be paid there in person by cash or check. Students may also pay online by credit card using the Self-Service portal.

Research Assistance Services

Librarians are available to help you locate information, direct you to research materials, and assist you in learning the organization of the library. Librarians will help you search for information as well as develop search strategies for course reports, papers, and term projects.

You may schedule an appointment with your subject librarian for in-depth help with your research. Appointments may be scheduled through the library's Ask a Librarian webpage (library.campbell.edu/ask). using the Book a Librarian service.

You may submit reference questions by clicking the “Ask” button on most library web pages. You also may chat with a reference librarian online by clicking the “Chat with a Librarian” button or by sending your question via e-mail to reference@campbell.edu. Furthermore, you may contact a reference librarian at (910) 893-1467.

Campbell librarians provide research assistance services for Campbell University students, faculty, and staff members, and will redirect community patrons to an appropriate resource, such as a public or school library. It is not recommended that Campbell librarians provide academic support for students at other institutions.

Interlibrary Loans (ILL)

Many resources not owned by the Campbell University Libraries can be borrowed from other libraries through ILLiad, an interlibrary loan system available to Campbell students, faculty, and staff as an aid to research and study. Using ILLiad (library.campbell.edu/interlibrary-loan) you can place interlibrary loan requests online and check your request status and history. Articles are usually received electronically in 2-3 days; books are usually received by mail in 4-7 days.

This service is provided free of charge.

Photocopies are regulated by Federal Copyright Law, which is explained on the Interlibrary Loan Request Form. The borrower may keep photocopies. Due dates on books will vary. The borrower is responsible for the book and must return it to the Library Services Desk on or before the due date. The library will not process ILL requests for materials owned by Campbell University.

Curriculum Materials/Media Center (CMMC)

The 3rd floor Curriculum Materials/Media Center (CMMC) facilities and resources include: a Computer Lab with 31 PCs, a juvenile/young adult print collection, reference and periodicals collections, manipulatives (displays, posters, models, puppets, games, technology, etc.), a Standardized Test Bank, group and quiet study areas/classroom space, soft-seating, an audiovisual collection (CD, DVD), and an Idea Lab/Makerspace. The CMMC also offers poster printing and lamination services to students, faculty, and staff for academic purposes. To review policy and pricing, and to submit a poster or lamination request: https://library.campbell.edu/poster-printing/. For lamination, along with submitting the request online, drop off materials to be laminated at the Library Services Desk.

The Idea Lab/Makerspace is designed to assist student teachers and the Campbell community in creating and preparing materials for use inside and outside of the classroom. The Idea Lab contains: an Ellison Die-Cut Center with more than 100 patterns, a comb binder, paper cutters, sewing machine, and a plethora of crafting supplies to foster creative projects.

The Makerspace, available for use by reservation, contains: button makers, pyrography pens, and a Cricut machine. The CMMC Librarian and student workers can assist with booking and using the Makerspace. Patrons will be responsible for the cost of materials.

Teaching Resource Center (TRC)

The Teaching Resource Center (TRC), also located on the 3rd floor, is designed to facilitate a program for teaching excellence, equipping Campbell faculty with skills and resources that will enhance the lives of our students and community. The TRC consists of a print collection, with texts representing varied approaches that consider the social, cultural, and political factors influencing the theory and practice of pedagogy. The TRC also serves as a space for faculty to learn, collaborate, and participate in professional development.

Other Campbell University Libraries

Norman Adrian Wiggins School of Law Library

Located in Raleigh, NC, the Law Library houses a collection of legal materials for the Norman Adrian Wiggins School of Law. Its primary mission is to support the teaching and research needs of law faculty and law students. To this end, it houses a collection of more than 206,000 volumes and volume-equivalents of cases, statutes, law reviews, treatises, and other print and electronic titles necessary for legal research. It is also open to practicing members of the North Carolina bar and the faculty, students, and staff of the University for purposes of legal research. Most materials do not circulate but are available for use within the Law Library. Please consult the law library’s web site (law.campbell.edu/learn/campbell-law-library/) for information about its hours of operation, collection, and policies.

School of Osteopathic Medicine Medical Library

The Jerry M. Wallace School of Osteopathic Medicine Library is located on the second floor of the Leon Levine Hall of Medical Sciences. Please consult the medical library's web site (library.campbell.edu/medical-library) for information about its hours of operation, collection, and policies.

Updated: August 9, 2024