Makerspace/Idea Lab

Makerspaces provide materials and resources to foster learning through inquiry. Those materials can range from simple items-like craft paper, makers/crayons, glue, modeling clay, and Legos-to more high-tech items-like taking apart and restoring donated electronics, and laser cutters.
The Makerspace/Idea Lab at Wiggins Library
Students, faculty, and staff are responsible for the cost of materials. The Idea Lab and Makerspace are open for use by all students, faculty, and staff of Campbell University.
Idea Lab

The Idea Lab contains the following equipment:
- Ellison Die-Cut Center with more than 100 patterns
- Sewing machine
- Comb binder
- Paper cutter
- Variety of craft supplies.

The Makerspace is a reservable space available within the Idea Lab containing the following:
- Button machine
- Wood-burning pens
- Cricut Machine
The Instructional Pedagogy and Curriculum Materials Librarian facilitates the booking of the Makerspace and its contents.
Reservation Policies
- At the time of your appointment, please go to the Library Services Desk (Wiggins Library 1st floor) and ask a staff member to bring you to the 3rd floor Makerspace. You will be asked to leave your Campbell ID at the Library Services Desk during your visit. Instructions on using the machines will be posted in the room. Please be prepared to pay for your finished projects in cash at the end of your visit by checking out at the Library Services Desk. As you leave, please ensure the room is as you found it (e.g. unplug machines used, return items to assigned locations) and bring the paper “Material Cost” form with you to the Library Services Desk to check out.
- Reservations are accepted as early as 14 days in advance but must be made by 12 hours before the room is to be used.
- Reservations are accepted from Campbell University students, faculty, and staff only.
- A valid Campbell ID is needed to complete the Online Reservation Form.
- Please adhere to the Food and Drink Policy when using the Makerspace, and clean up before you leave.