7th Annual WML Academic Symposium

Presenter(s): Seth Thomas
Title: Axillary Artery Aneurysm: Case Report of a Rare Type of Peripheral Aneurysm
Developed under the guidance of Dr. Bruce Newton , School of Medicine

This poster describes a rare aneurysm (a ballooning out of a blood vessel wall) discovered in a cadaver’s left axillary artery, which is located in the armpit (axilla) region. This aneurysm location is so uncommon it accounts for less than 1% of all aneurysms, and is usually caused by repeated trauma to the region such as chronic crutch use or in professional baseball pitching. However, this aneurysm was discovered in an 85 year old male with a history of Parkinson’s disease, and presents the question: “Can trauma from repeated parkinsonian movements such as resting tremors cause axillary artery aneurysms”?