7th Annual WML Academic Symposium

Presenter(s): Shasta Grotewiel
Title: Subtherapeutic Rivaroxaban Assay in a Younger Patient (30 kg) Despite Standard Adult Dosing
Developed under the guidance of Prof. Tara Bell , Pharmacy Practice

Deep vein thrombosis in younger patients is not as common as adults and is typically due to an underlying condition. The direct oral anticoagulation agents, such as rivaroxaban, are appealing due to their ease of use and infrequent monitoring. The pharmacokinetics and dosing of rivaroxaban has not been studied in the pediatric patients, or patients less than 40 kg. We report obtaining subtherapeutic rivaroxaban assay despite the standard adult dose of rivaroxaban at steady state for the treatment of a provoked DVT in an adolescent female who weighs 30kg.