Time: 11:30 AM
Rm 312
Presenter(s): Ruth Pacheco
Title: Paget Schrotter Syndrome in a Division I Collegiate Softball Player
Developed under the guidance of Dr. Sarah Christie , Exercise Science
A 19-year-old collegiate softball player presented with a five-day history of low grade fevers and a knot in her left axilla. The subject was referred to the emergency room when she noticed a black line forming from her subclavian down her left extremity. A CAT Scan and US showed an occlusive thrombus of the left subclavian, axillary, and brachial veins. The subject was diagnosed with Paget Schrotter Syndrome and underwent surgical procedures to correct these issues. Paget Schrotter Syndrome is very rare, only accounting for 10-20% of all UE DVT’s.