7th Annual WML Academic Symposium

Time: 2:00 PM
Rm 303
Presenter(s): Diane Armao, Sarah Lamb, Maria Lim, Dallin Lindstrom, Bruce Newton, Howard Reisner, and Taranjeet Singh
Title: Case Report: A Novel Presentation of “Ringed Cranial Nerves”
Developed under the guidance of Dr. Howard Reisner , School of Medicine

This case presentation describes a previously unreported structural variant, termed “ringed nerves” of some, but not all, cranial nerves observed during cadaveric dissection of an 82-year-old African-American male. Affected nerves demonstrated circumferential, ring-like ridges regularly spaced along the nerve’s length. The ringed structures may represent in vivo changes in the patient or artifactual changes subsequent to embalming. The relationship of the ringed structures to previously described axonal beading and other variations such as spiral bands in peripheral nerves, is considered. Consultation with anatomists, pathologists and clinicians and an extensive literature review yielded no results correlating to the observed variant.